Looking Ahead
August 11 (Thursday): First day of school
Thank you to those who attended last year's Dine and Donates. You helped STPC raise $325 from Ozzie's, $562 from Mary's Pizza Shack and $420 from Ricky's Eastbound!
Are you getting our quarterly newsletter, the Falcons Gazette? Check your Spam or "Promotions" box in your email account. You can read past editions by going to the "Falcons Gazette" tab on the top left of our STPC webpage.
What is STPC?
The Student, Teacher, Parent Council was established as a service organization to support students, staff and the school community here at Rincon Valley Middle School. The STPC helps contribute to and provide additional funds for student, staff, and school needs that fall outside of available school funding sources. We also coordinate volunteers to support various programs and activities at the school. We are working to make this an outstanding year! Please consider volunteering or making financial donations to our school. Your help makes a direct impact on our students! Volunteering opportunities throughout the year typically include:
- School dances (chaperone, food donations, etc.)
- 7th Grade Sport-A-Rama
- 8th Grade Color Teams
- Food donations for special events, teacher luncheons
- High Flyer Falcon Achievement Awards
- Fundraising
- Spring Carnival in May
Contact Us!
Contact us with any questions, suggestions or ideas. We'd love to hear from you!
STPC President: Amy Famini at afamini@gmail.com
please Donate today to our Family Giving campaign
Rincon Valley Middle School Student Teacher Parent Council (STPC) has kicked off its Family Giving Campaign (FGC). This is the major fundraiser for RVMS – every dollar raised goes to enriching our children’s education. This year’s FGC goal is to raise $25,000. We encourage your family to contribute what you can so that we can continue to help provide RVMS students, teachers, and staff with the resources they need to be successful. Please donate today.
STPC Volunteer Opportunities for 2022-2023
*Carnival Coordinator
*Family Giving Campain Coordinator
*Vice President
*Volunteer Coordinator
*Voting Board Members
If you are interested in knowing more about these positions, please contact STPC President Amy Famini at afamini@gmail.com.
STPC Meeting dates 2022-2023
Our next meeting is TBD. If you would like to see what STPC is all about, please contact Vanessa Riggs at to be added to the Zoom invite!
Our monthly meetings are typically on the first Thursday of the month from 7:00 pm-8:30 pm.
STPC is open to everyone! We talk about events at the school, what department needs funds for trips or supplies, and RVMS' participation in community events.
More Ways to Support RVMS!
Please be sure to sign up for Olivers's Community Card and Amazon Smile! These are additional revenue sources that help fund activities for the entire school community.
Register for Oliver's Community Card here Learn more about Amazon Smile here
2022-2023 STPC Board Members
President: Vanessa Riggs
Vice President: OPEN
Treasurer: Megan Fonseca
Secretary: Megan Condron
Volunteer Coordinator: OPEN
Dance/Snack Bar: OPEN
Falcon Gazette: OPEN
Hospitality: OPEN
Family Giving Campaign: OPEN
High Flyer Falcon Academic Achievement Coordinator:
Dine & Donate Coordinator: OPEN
Carnival Coordinator: OPEN
Intramural Sport Coordinator: OPEN
Campus Beautification Coordinator: OPEN